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CL15 Women’s Day
After highlighting women in science at Adionics a few days ago, today we want to pay tribute to all the…
Our innovative Flionex Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology has been successfully tested by Sibanye-Stillwater
Our innovative Flionex Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology has been successfully tested by Sibanye-Stillwater to extract lithium from Black Mass…
Adionics is heading to PDAC 2025 !
We’re gearing up to attend one of the biggest events in the mining industry: Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada…
An intense week in Argentina to advance our lithium deployment strategy
Gabriel Toffani and François-Michel Colomar spent a busy week in Argentina meeting with key stakeholders to strengthen our position in…
Adionics unveils disruptive technology for lithium extraction in battery recycling
Last September, we announced our breakthrough technology for lithium battery recycling, and the industry response has been phenomenal ! We…
Key Facts: Battery Recycling ?
Lithium-ion batteries are everywhere in our dailylives, but did you know they contain much more than just lithium ? Copper,…
Strengthening our strategic partnership with Litica Resources
We are pleased to announce an important milestone in our cooperation with Litica Resources! Following the successful testing of two…
World Clean Energy Day
Proud to celebrate World Clean Energy Day ! As a cleantech company revolutionizing lithium extraction, we’re committed to advancing the…
Adionics has been selected by ENAMI Empresa Nacional de Minería
We are pleased that Adionics has been selected by ENAMI Empresa Nacional de Minería (Chile’s National Mining Corporation) as one…
Platts Award Energy
We are honored to announce that Adionics has been awarded Energy Transition Technology of the Year at the prestigious 2024…
Publication in Mergermarket
We’re thrilled to be featured in Mergermarket, highlighting our ambitious growth plans and commitment to sustainable lithium extraction! At Adionics,…
Christmas Charity Initiative
Spreading holiday cheer with our annual charity initiative! This year, our team came together for a special toy drive, donating…
European Raw Materials Week
Proud to contribute to strengthening EU-Argentina relations in critical raw materials! Our Head of External Relations, François-Michel Colomar, represented Adionics…
DLE 2024
We had a great time at the DIRECT LITHIUM EXTRACTION Conference in Los Angeles! 🇺🇸 Our Sales Manager, Stephane Coccoz,…
Labellisé QVCT
Adionics labellisé QVCT niveau 1 par EV3. 🚀 Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que notre engagement pour la Qualité de Vie et…
DLE Los Angeles 2024
On our way to DLE Los Angeles 2024! Our team is excited to attend the DIRECT LITHIUM EXTRACTION Conference in…
International collaboration
Honored to participate in this pivotal moment for sustainable lithium production! Our CEO, Gabriel Toffani, had the privilege of attending…
Movember movement
Proud to be a part of the Movember movement! Today, we proudly marked a significant November event dedicated to raising…
Aujourd’hui, la neige a blanchi le parking d’Adionics, mais Grigore n’a pas hésité à braver le froid pour notre journée…
Benchmark Week 2024
A look back at Benchmark Week 2024 in Los Angeles! 🌟 Our team members Stephane Coccoz and Diana Oreamuno attended…
Adionics in Argentina
Building momentum in Argentina! Just weeks after our successful CL15 demonstration plant inauguration in Güemes, we’re strengthening our presence in…
Benchmark Week
Excited to be part of Benchmark Week 2024 in Los Angeles! Our team is attending this premier event focused on…
Celebrating one year in Argentina
Celebrating one year of growth and innovation in Argentina! One year ago, we planted our roots in South America. Today,…
Mapping des Startups Deeptech françaises de la BPI
Adionics fait partie des startups françaises Deeptech engagées pour la décarbonation et la réindustrialisation ! Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer qu’Adionics…
The first test at our CL15 in Argentina
The first test at our CL15 in Argentina was successfully completed! Big thanks to the Hanaq Group for trusting our…
Fostering international collaboration for sustainable lithium extraction
We’re delighted to share that our CEO, Gabriel Toffani, recently had the honor of meeting with Karina Milei to discuss…
Publication in Global Mining Review
Adionics unveils demo plant in heart of Lithium Triangle. Adionics, a pioneer in sustainable direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology, has…
Publication in
Direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology company Adionics has opened a new demonstration plant in Güemes, Argentina, to test different brines…
Publication in Infobae
La minería argentina atrae cada vez más inversiones extranjeras en el marco de la transición energética. (…) En la misma…
Publication in Ambito
La nueva planta está dedicada a probar diferentes salmueras de Argentina, Bolivia y Chile. Buscan más eficiencia de la industrialización…
BIG 2024
La semaine dernière, Amaury Chevreux, notre Directeur Administratif et Financier, a représenté Adionics lors du BIG 2024, le plus grand…
Publication in North American Clean Energy
Adionics, a pioneer in sustainable direct lithium extraction (DLE) technology, announced the opening of their new demonstration plant in Güemes,…
Publication in El Tribuno
En el Parque Industrial de General Güemes, el gobernador Gustavo Sáenz encabezó esta mañana la inauguración de la planta de…
Panorama Minero
What an incredible experience at Panorama Minero’s 13th International Lithium in South America Seminar 2024. As a hub for innovation…
Horizon Chimie 2024
Pour la deuxième fois, Adionics a eu le plaisir de participer ce lundi 7 octobre au Forum Horizon Chimie qui…
Publication in The CoolDown
We’re thrilled to be featured in The Cool Down’s latest article on innovative clean tech solutions! The piece highlights how…