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Reportage sur BFM Business
Reportage sur BFM Business au sujet du lithium dans lequel d’Adionics fait figure d’acteur vertueux de l’extraction de l’or blanc.…
Moving time
Let’s start the year 2022 with some great news! #Innovation #Cleanlithium #Cleanenergy #Sustainability
ready to take this challenge
The former chairman of PSA has issued a report that highlights the upcoming tensions on critical mineral raw materials such…
World Energy Day
Today is World Energy Day! International Energy Agency (IEA) has released its roadmap for 2050, the world’s first comprehensive report…
Welcome on Board !
Say Hi to Georgio BASSIL, a new member of our team who’s joining Adionics as Responsable of Analytical Chemistry.👋 Welcome…
X International Seminar
François-Michel Colomar, our Sales Director, was in Buenos Aires last week for the X International Seminar organised by Panorama Minero.…
International Lithium Semina
Adionics has crossed the Atlantic and we are in Buenos Aires this week for the tenth International Lithium Seminar #litioensudamérica2021.…
A fantastic Lithium’s networking event
Thank you, Fastmarkets MB, for hosting a fantastic Lithium’s networking event ! Great to see some familiar faces and customers…and…
The World #EVDay
This Thursday is the World #EVDay. At Adionics we develop a clean technology for lithium extraction.⚡ Our key solution is…
The leading event of Lithium global industry
Will you be attending in the Tenth edition of the leading event of Lithium global industry in 28 – 29…
First lithium Demo Plant for Direct Lithium Extraction
We are moving forward with our first lithium Demo Plant for Direct Lithium Extraction: Schedule is on time & the…
The Lithium Supply & Markets
Adionics is glad to announce its participation in the Lithium Supply & Markets 2021. The event will be held 20-22…
Job offer
We’re looking for Senior Process Engineer Join Adionics! #cleanlithium #jobsearchConsult the job offer:
article dans la tribune
L’explosion annoncée de la mobilité électrique va nécessiter de plus en plus de lithium pour les batteries. La deeptech Adionics,…
New Sales Director
Adionics is continually moving forward, and we are pleased to announce that we are welcoming François-Michel Colomar as our new…
Article dans L’Usine Nouvelle
L’Usine Nouvelle talks about us ! “La deep tech Adionics, créée en 2012, vient de lever 7 millions d’euros pour…
Article dans les Echos
So proud to announce our new fundraising in french newspaper: Les Echos. “Lithium : la jeune pousse Adionics se lance…
“Clean Lithium” Technology
Adionics raises €7 Million to industrialise its “Clean Lithium” Technology for Green Mobility. Thanks to our new Investors and our…
La French Fab
The best of Industry, the best of Future, is La French Fab Community and Adionics is part of it! #cleanenergy…
Join Adionics!
We’re looking for a Analytical Chemistry Manager. Join Adionics! #cleanlithium #jobsearchConsult the job offer:
Transformation of the French Industry
With France Relance, the French Government is committed to accelerate Transformation of the French Industry. Adionics is proud to be…
The Industrial Ecosystem across France.
Aunched in October 2017 by Minister for the Economy and Finance, La French Fab brings together, under one common banner,…